Privacy Notices


Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Discover Portrush (Portrush Heritage Group/PHG) treats the privacy of its members’ details very seriously and takes appropriate action to safeguard it. This policy sets out how we obtain, manage and use any data members share with us.
Data Controller
Discover Portrush (PHG), registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 102817, is the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
How Discover Portrush (PHG) obtains data
Members provide Discover Portrush (PHG) with personal data on joining the Group, via the application form. This includes name, address and, where given, e-mail address. When a Standing Order is set up this also includes bank account details.  Discover Portrush (PHG) may also gain personal data through correspondence, written and electronic, concerning its legitimate charitable aims.
How Discover Portrush (PHG) uses data
Discover Portrush (PHG) will only hold data about its members for the purposes of achieving its legitimate charitable objectives. It will store members’ data securely in electronic or manual form, held by the Chairman, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and Editor, and may use this information in the following ways:
  • To process annual subscription payments.
  • To distribute Discover Portrush (PHG) publications and news of events (in conjunction with the Discover Portrush website).
  • To send out governance information including minutes and agendas.
  • To update members’ information.
  • To facilitate the production of publications.
Members’ data may be made available to other officers of PHG for appropriate purposes but it will not be maintained separately by any officer other than those specified above.
Discover Portrush (PHG) will never sell data to any third parties.
How Discover Portrush (PHG) shares data
Whilst Discover Portrush (PHG) will never sell data to any third parties, it uses third-party providers to deliver some of its services. Discover Portrush (PHG) currently shares data with the following in furtherance of the activities specified above only.
  • PayPal to process shop purchases
  • 4Word PPP Ltd. to distribute publications
  • Danske Bank PLC to administer Standing Orders for subscriptions
How long Discover Portrush (PHG) maintains data and data subject rights
Discover Portrush (PHG) will retain your information for so long as it is necessary to enable it to carry out its legitimate charitable aims. You have the right to access the information held about you, and if necessary, to rectify or up-date any information we hold. If you wish to do this, or you wish to cancel your membership, please contact the Membership Secretary and Discover Portrush (PHG) will always act upon your request.

Membership Secretary Contact Details:
Mrs Helen White


The Copyright

All copyrights in this website are strictly reserved to Discover Portrush (PHG).

All copyrights in this website including illustrations, pictures, video, sound, scripts, animation and other material appearing on this website, otherwise known as “content” belong to Discover Portrush (PHG) or third parties authorising Discover Portrush (PHG) to use the copyrights.

In accessing the Discover Portrush website, you agree that you will use the contents for your own private use. You may not make alterations, copy, store in any medium (including other websites), distribute, transmit any part of the website without the prior written permissions of Discover Portrush (PHG) in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


The Information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. We have made reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of inclusion. However, like any printed material, the information may be out of date at the time of access by the visitor. We shall not be liable for any error or omission in, or any failure to update, such information and any decisions based on the information are the sole responsibility of the visitor.

We reserve the right to make changes to this website at any time without notice.

Links to External Websites

Certain links on this website may lead to other websites that will have separate privacy and data collection practices. We have no responsibility or liability for those third party policies.